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Modular Boiler Skid of Boiler System Skid

Boiler island refers to a general name of a system composed of boiler and its auxiliary machinery, mainly composed of fuel treatment and storage system, fuel feeding system, main boiler body system, ash removal system, water treatment system, feed water conditioning system, dust removal system, chimney, electrical and control system, monitoring and safety alarm system.

We offer package modular solutions of the whole range of works, starting from design of the Boiler/ Heater Island, manufacture and supply of the main boiler and auxiliary equipments. Installation of the supplied equipment, warranty and post-warranty service.

We carry out design and supply of the boiler auxiliary equipment, including:
  • Fuel preparation and fuel supply systems.
  • Combustion systems, including furnace burner units.
  • Water treatment systems.
  • Automatic process control systems and instrumentation and automated control systems.
  • Flue gas cleaning systems.
  • Flue gas heat recovery systems.
  • Other boiler auxiliary equipment required as by the customer.
Professional technical team

Independently developed 2 TPH to 20 TPH single unit and multi-unit parallel boiler solution, which can meet the design, supply, installation and commissioning services of small, medium and large capacity Boiler Island.

Supply chain of complete sets of equipment

Isotex owns or has tie-up with the supply chain of complete sets of equipment of Boiler Island. It can design and manufacture boilers and auxiliary equipment that meet the standards of IBR and ASME.