We have been using state-of-the-art CFD design tools since 2010. ISOTEX has developed sub-models to optimise the application of CFD to the boiler industry. CFD is today one of the major keystones in our technology design.
CFD gives ISOTEX the ability to check the design with respect to a large number of critical factors such as velocities, particle impingement, oxygen level, temperature and surface temperature. The customer will therefore receive a plant which is optimised for better environmental performance and which can provide longer and more reliable operation.
Market pressures on more cost effective, energy efficient and environment-friendly boiler designs are increasing continuously. Additionally, the challenges faced in boiler design and combustion technology demand more accurate engineering methods. To meet these demands ISOTEX’s team of experienced engineers are armed with state of the art engineering tools through the company’s investment in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology. The combustion process inside a modern boiler is a complex phenomenon, consisting of numerous chemical reactions all of which play an important role in boiler performance.
CFD technology enables ISOTEX to model the combustion process and related physics of various fossil- and biomass-fired boilers and resolve any design and operating problems before manufacture and commissioning. When doing these computations different physical models are implemented in the code to simulate the process. Physics in the CFD model include: tracking of the fuel particles, evaporation and devolatisation of these particles,surface combustion on the fuel particles, the combustion process in the gas, radiation heat transfer and pollution formation. A high level of geometric detail is included in the model to capture certain key results. The geometries considered in detail are the fuel spreaders, the combustion air system and furnace. The tube banks of the various heat exchanger sections are also included. The results from the CFD analysis show the temperature contours, flow patterns, and gas composition throughout the boiler. These more precise calculations and data enable our boiler designs which are Industry benchmarks.
Due to the fact that CFD links the flow characteristics with the chemical reactions of combustion it is an ideal platform to investigate enhancement of fuel and air mixing, time for combustion and temperature of reaction. This leads to better combustion with difficult fuels and also higher plant efficiency with lower emissions. The interaction of the 3D flow and temperature fields with the fuel particles allows analysis of new fuels with regard to fouling and corrosion. Erosion is of particular importance for biomass fuels and CFD has been proven to predict wear patterns realistically. This provides a unique opportunity to investigate cleaner and more efficient energy from thermo-chemical conversion.